.            ★.        . blessfrey.me ..          ☆        .


Welcome to Blessfrey.me, my webdev playground written in BottlePy! Twice a month, God willing, I post my projects and personal reflections. Originally in PHP, Blessfrey.me now thrives on Bottle Python web framework. To celebrate my website, I'll share some of my front end and back end code, ...

Redesign time! Blessfrey.me is my personal website full of my favorite things, and it doesn't need to be anything more than that. Sporadic, authentic, and slightly unfocused content was always more compelling to me than professional, contractual, structured content. Why was I emulating ...

Follow along to make your first mini WebSocket application in GDScript (with a little JSON). The client and the server will be two separate projects. I build upon the NetworkedMultiplayerENet chat room tutorial(archive link) by Miziziziz and the HTML5 and WebSocket tutorial in the Godot ...

The website doesn't look how I want it to yet!

Working on It

Iterating over the website. Lots of placeholder pages are up, but few are close to my current plan. This version will be better than ever, with embedded HTML5 applications and more artwork.

Last updated May 8, 2023. ...